Legislative Committee

This Committee, with input from the other Committees and Board of Directors, as well as overall WKREDA membership, develops the Annual WKREDA legislative agenda and “paper”, addressing issues and concerns to the Kansas Legislature.  They also host the WKREDA Legislative Reception each year in Topeka, and visit with all Kansas legislators re: issues effecting Western Kansas.  This Committee also hosts a legislative panel at the Quarterly meeting in Sept. of each year, for members to ask questions of existing legislators and candidates.  They also monitor and follow legislation during the legislation session that impacts Western Kansas and reports concerns to the membership, via the WKREDA Listserve e-mail program, calling for action, as needed.

The Legislative Committee monitors legislation and/or regulations at the state and federal level that impact the ability for successful rural development efforts in Kansas. The committee schedules area legislators to speak to WKREDA members during quarterly updates. The committee schedules the annual Legislative Conference, held in Topeka early in the year. Each year the legislative position paper is drafted by members of the committee, based on input from the membership. When needed, the committee may issue a call to action to the members to contact legislators about specific issues.

WKREDA does not usually take a stand on political issues since the membership represents diverse attitudes. WKREDA does encourage individual members to voice their concerns in a positive manner.

Committee Co-Chairs:

Heather Morgan - (913) 683-9946 - hmorgan@kacct.org
Lona DuVall - (620) 290-2244 - lona@ficoedc.com

Committee Members:

Dan Steffen - (785) 639-1526 - dans.nwk@gmail.com
Doug Williams - (785) 623-1100 - doug@growhays.com
Eli Svaty - (620) 655-2036 - eli@swks.org
Joann Knight - (620) 338-5101 - jknight@dodgedev.org
Kara Jecha - (785) 372-4236 - kjecha@gbtlive.com
Nikki Pfannenstiel - (785) 623-3334 - npfannenstiel@sunflower.net
Ralph Goodnight - (620) 271-4643 - r.goodnight@kearnycountykansas.com
Randall  Hrabe - (785) 421-2151 - nwkpdc@ruraltel.net


Legislative Positions 2023

Legislative Positions 2022

Legislative Positions 2021

Legislative Positions 2020

Legislative Positions 2019

Legislative Positions 2018

Legislative Positions 2017

Legislative Positions 2016

Legislative Positions 2015