Nationally in Labor Participation
The Kansas Department of Commerce administers the KANSASWORKS workforce system, which links businesses, job seekers, educational institutions and training providers to ensure the state’s workforce is equipped to meet industry needs.
Employer Resources allows employers to create, edit and manage unlimited job postings for free; search for qualified candidates and save those searches; receive resume match alerts and connect with Workforce Center staff for advice and support.
Mobile Workforce Centers are available to provide services in regions that lack a permanent Workforce Center or face unusually high demand for workforce assistance. Job fairs can be scheduled at your location using the Mobile Workforce Centers.
Federal Bonding program provides individual fidelity bonds to employers for job applicants who are or may be denied coverage by commercial carriers. The Federal Bonding program is a unique hiring incentive tool that targets individuals whose backgrounds can pose significant barriers to securing or retraining employment.
Foreign Labor Certification provides services for companies hiring foreign workers (H-2A Temporary Agricultural Program and H-2B Certification) and qualifies an employer to hire foreign workers if an employer cannot find qualified and available U.S. workers to fill vacancies.
Registered Apprenticeship is an employment and training program where job seekers earn wages while learning a skilled profession in a specific field, such as construction, health care or culinary arts. The program provides classroom studies with on-the-job training supervised by a skilled employee.
Workforce Aligned with Industry Demand offers creative solutions to overcome the recruiting challenges and creates a pipeline of qualified employees. In partnership with the Kansas Board of regents, Kansas Department of Commerce developed Workforce Aligned with Industry Demand to address applicant skills gap currently facing companies across the state.
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit available to employers for hiring individuals from certain target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment. An employer can receive a federal tax credit between the amounts of $2400 to $9600 per applicant.
Job Seeker Resources
KANSASWORKS is the state’s public workforce assistance system and exists to help you increase your skills, search for opportunities and find a rewarding job or career. With 25 Workforce Centers around the state, two Mobile Workforce Centers and a number of online services, the KANSASWORKS team is here to help you find success. services include help creating and posting resumes, accessing critical educational and training opportunities, assisting with interview and salary negotiation skills and performing advanced job searches.
Disability Resources - The state of Kansas partners with local, state and federal entities to provide disability resources and information to assist Kansans achieve their employment goals.
KanVet is for Veterans, transitioning service members and their families to access vet-specific resources and benefits in the state of Kansas without having to navigate multiple state agencies. This includes employment, education and other support resources.
Senior Employment Services assists Kansas age 55+ in accessing employment placement services and work-based training opportunities.
Ticket to Work assists individuals receiving Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income benefits with returning to work without risking cash or medical benefits.
Trade Adjustment Assistance Program assists customers who have lost their job due to foreign trade. TAA certified workers may be eligible for training, job search and relocation allowances, income support and other services
Registered Apprenticeship combines classroom studies with on-the-job training in skilled professions such as construction, healthcare, culinary arts and more.