Marketing grants awarded
May 16, 2017
Eight marketing grants were awarded by the Dodge City Convention and Visitors Bureau.
The grants were approved by a Special Grant Committee that is made up of members of the Dodge City community and totaled $11,932 to be used for projects promoting events and attractions in Dodge City.
The grants were received by Brothers of the Third Wheel Event; Central Station Street Dance Event; Dodge City Public Library, Tom Clavin Event; Ford County Fair; Kansas Pro Rodeo Finals; Dodge City Days; Boot Hill Museum 70th Anniversary Event and Women’s Ranch Rodeo World Finals.
The grants are a tool to be used to reach communities within Kansas as well as other states about the ongoing events in Dodge City.
“The marketing grants will be used to market the events for the purpose of brining visitors to town and raising awareness of events, things to do and see, and attractions in the community, with the end results being the increasing of attendance to events and attractions, increasing business for local restaurants and retailers and raising the occupancy in the local hotels,” CVB director Jan Stevens said in a press release.