Nex-Generation hosts 179 youth at Career Fair
February 1, 2018
On January 10, Nex-Generation Round up for Youth, Inc. hosted a marvelous career day event for area middle school students. Since 2012, Nex-Generation, in conjunction with the ICAN (Interactive Consortium Academic Network), has been hosting a Career EXPLORation day via interactive distance learning equipment. At this career event, students have an opportunity to hear about local careers to give them a better idea of what is available in the area.
Students from the following schools participated: Grinnell, Natoma, Plainville, Palco, Thunder Ridge, and Stockton, with up to 179 youth attending each session. The event was coordinated under the direction of I-CAN Director Cindy Beisner of Natoma and Nex-Generation’s Executive Director Jacque Beckman.
“Middle school is a great time for us to help plant the seeds for career development. We believe by exposing the students at an earlier age, they will start exploring their options and begin conceptualizing the types of education (i.e., high school classes) that are required,” explained Beckman.
Beisner added, “Even as 6th, 7th, or 8th graders, students can begin forming ideas about possible careers. So often they are not exposed to potential jobs until much later, sometimes not until after college. By letting them hear about area careers earlier, we feel we are setting them up for success in high school, college, and beyond.“
Speakers for the day included:
? Bobbi Basart, USD 271 (Stockton), who spoke about being a school’s technology coordinator.
? Heather Lyle, Angel Accounting (Natoma), who provided information about both accounting and financial advising.
? Brian Newell, Newell Plumbing and Electric (Damar), who spoke about the increasing demand and availability of plumbers and electricians in the area; and
? Cameron Eickhoff, Oak Grove Construction (Plainville), who provided examples of the experiences in starting his own business in architecture and construction.
Nex-Generation is a 501c3 non-profit organization, located in Lenora, Kansas. Its mission is to educate northwest and north central Kansas students about local career opportunities by providing and supporting programs in career development, entrepreneurship, internship, and work study/apprenticeship. Through these efforts, we hope to foster a positive sense of community and encourage youth to remain or return home to prosper.